Simple enough? The Insurance industry doesn't want the competition. Funny though as that is, because competition is what the free market is all about. What Capitalist doesn't get it? What the fools who follow them don't get is that they will LIE to you to get your business. Getting YOUR business is all they are after. And they do it for profit and profits alone.
So they had a little march on Washington last week. Some folks had a little trouble with the Metro and are now demanding an explanation thru their Texas Rep. Kevin Brady (R) who voted against funding for it? WTF? Do these people have even a hint of common sense? You can’t make this stuff up.
At 8:43 someone holds a Hannity/Palin 2012 sign. Wish he would have told that one about Alaska's own socialism with their fuel rebates. Where they share the people's resources.
It's one of the manifold hypocrisies of the right wing, psychotic movement of hysteria -- shifting from tea bagging, to birthers, to Town Hall mobs, to anti-the-President encouraging studying -- that as far as healthcare, the "pro-life" mob is anti-life when it comes to medical care for all Americans.
It's really quite simple: thousands of Americans die each year from not having health insurance. Period.
Part of being in a demagogic cabal in a parallel universe of emotional pathology is that you do not have to make sense.
In this case, the legacy of the Nixon Southern Strategy combined with corporate ownership of the media that manipulates displaced white workers into thinking immigrants and blacks are responsible for losing their jobs instead of the global Pac-Man corporations that have exported them overseas, has resulted in a selfish greed over some crumbs of pie left in the wake of big business abandonment of production in America.
As a nation, we produce very little anymore except gambling debts from "cannot fail" Wall Street financial firms that we bail out with more loans from China.
And speaking of China, unemployed and underpaid workers swarm Wal-Mart and buy cheap goods made in China while Wal-Mart pretends it's pro-American. It's a sort of enforced economic self-cannibalization, with the Waltons making billions of dollars off of this scam.
It's a twisted and perverse tale only made possible by the Goebbels fiction machine of Cable TV "News" with the exception of the -- for the moment -- MSNBC evening line up -- and the vast reaches of right wing "Devil in Your Ear' right wing radio.
The Corporations have used the media to divide America into two communities: one that claims that it only cares about whites and themselves and their churches (and to Hell with others, such as in Katrina); and 2) the progressives (almost exclusively Dems) who believe that we are a national community caring for each other as a nation.
Last night, Obama appealed to our better angels; the Republicans continue to appeal to Satan's greed and selfishness, plus a glob of racism. It's that simple; it really is.
It's a tale of two communities: one for white people slightly deranged who have been brainwashed by television and myths about the Confederacy; and one for those who believe America is a nation where we support each other for the public good and the health of the country.
We won the Civil War in 1865.
Why is it still going on?
And isn't it ironic that those who accuse President Obama of being communist, support the corporate hypocrisy of dealing with China. What next? Cuba too?
Geez... How many brain dead people believe this crap? Oh yea, they're still checking out My Pet Goat.
Again, WHY do they not want children making goals for their own educational development. Because someone else (helicopter moms?) has to do it for them?
Or because the Texas Board of Education has other plans for them?
And Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL). Here's a woman that could give Sarah Palin a run for her money in 2012 or 2018. Joe Biden likes her and she's knows how to talk straight. I'll be voting for Debbie.
Now why would this nice Republican man want to deliberately mislead people as to how the proposed new system would work? They're always talking about people keeping more of their paychecks and isn't that what some good competition would do?
Insurance companies that deny policy holders care are the real death panels. What part of that doesn't Scarah Sarah get?
It's been a helluvan August, but it gave the Dems a chance to say they tried bipartisanship. That totally irrational arguments were raised now gives them the chance to just get it done. Millions of Americans NEED a public option because it's the only option they have. People can't even afford their mortgages (thanks banks), let alone $6 a day rip-off insurance they see advertised on tv.
We can't afford to wait. Premiums are rising and people without jobs have no hope. It's STILL time for a change. And that time is NOW.
Ask yourself why someone with a good health care plan wants someone else not to have one. There's your death panel right there. And don't fool yourself, either they have no social conscience whatsoever and are so greedy that they fear anyone having what they have, or they are stupid enough to be fooled by corporate interests that would rather see people dead than take their profits for the benefit of getting everyone help for what ails them.
So why is it again that this great nation can't have health care for all it's citizens? That's the saddest fact of all.
And btw, I've used the VA for health care for over ten years now. And all thru the Bush years they've offered me assistance on Advanced Directives and a Living Will. So where do you think Scarah got this idea of death panels from? Most insurance companies have nursing assistance guides who offer it too--contracted thru their HMO's.
Blogging GLEE
Embrace your inner Loser
It's my new favorite show, mixing showtunes and chart hits by a cast that
is outstanding. They know their stuff that's for sure.
15 years ago
Hi, I'm Kiko. Some people think I pay too close attention to my kid's life--hovering, hence 'helicoptermom'. The blog is named for Sarah Palin's support of shooting Alaskan wildlife from aircraft--she's the 'barbie'. My homey blog is Kiko's Place This one is for political junkies and general disturbances. "Words are but crude tools used to approximate the grandeur of living."
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